We would like make available information about extant trolleybuses, trolleybus parts, trolleybus equipment and historic papers relating to trolleybuses. Our intention is to make this data available at this website. If you would like to submit information about trolleybuses, parts and/or historic papers that you own or have control of, please send this form for EACH item that you would like included in the archive (submissions are vetted by the webmaster - in the interests of accuracy - you may be contacted for further details and for validity information) -

Trolleybus Artifact Information Form
- your organisation name
- your organisation address
- your post code
- your public phone number
- your public email
- your web-site URL
- artifact type
- date of artifact
- original operator/owner/publisher
- present location of artifact
- description
To send details of more than one artifact, send the first then 'overtype' details on the form (press the insert button on your keyboard to get to overtype mode); leave your organisation details unchanged, and send again. We need one form sent for each artifact submission

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