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Bournemouth 202 ususally runs during East Anglia Transport Museum Special Events - click for more.
Andrew Braddock
Bournemouth 202 - the flagship vehicle of the Association, now at Carlton Colville Museum, was at the trolleybus rally at the Black Country Museum in June 2000 and the Sandtoft Gathering the following month. 202 then travelled to the annual trolleybus event at the East Anglia Transport Museum in September and is now resident at the EATM under a 5-year loan agreement, undergoing further restoration work. 202 was built in 1935 and converted to open-top configuration in 1958. She was purchased by the NTA in 1965 and took part in the final trolleybus procession at the closure of the Bournemouth system in 1969.

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Huddersfield 541 - the first privately preserved trolleybus in the UK to operate on another trolleybus system when in 1966 it toured the Wolverhampton system. It operated the only tour by a preserved trolleybus in Huddersfield, on the last day of the system in 1968. 541 is now in operation at Sandtoft.

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Belfast 168 - the last trolleybus to operate in Ireland and acquired by the NTA on the closure of the system in 1968, has started to undergo restoration.

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Hastings 45 - dating from 1929, this vehicle was used as a waiting room at Hastings bus station following closure of the town system and is currently, though slowly, being restored.

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Wolverhampton 654 - this vehicle, the last trolleybus to be built by Guy Motors of Wolverhampton, is currently stored and awaiting restoration.
Graham Sidwell

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