We would like make available information about extant trolleybuses, trolleybus parts, trolleybus equipment and historic papers relating to trolleybuses. The archive is not inclusive of enthusiast material but is intended as a central resource for conservation, preservation and historical study. (Use the blueprints link to see a sample) Our intention is to make this data available at this website. Categories of artifacts catalogued here are -

trolleybuses trolleybuses - complete vehicles overhead equipment - overhead negatives documents - prints,negatives
vehicle parts parts - vehicular power supply equipment - power supply blueprints documents - blueprints, drawings
electrical parts parts - electrical service equipment equipment - service related company documents documents - company
transmission parts parts - transmission operating manuals documents - service, operating manuals
collector parts parts - collector advertising documents - advertising
body parts parts - body trade publications documents - trade publications
servicing parts parts - servicing trolleybus books documents - books
fleet list British Trolleybus fleet list

send data Submit information about trolleybus artifacts
database link to British Trolleybus database

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