National Trolleybus Archive

We would like make available information about extant trolleybuses, trolleybus parts, trolleybus equipment and historic papers relating to trolleybuses. The archive is not inclusive of enthusiast material but is intended as a central resource for conservation, preservation and historical study. (Use the blueprints link to see a sample) Our intention is to make this data available at this website. Categories of artifacts catalogued here are -

trolleybuses trolleybuses - complete vehicles overhead equipment - overhead negatives documents - prints,negatives
vehicle parts parts - vehicular power supply equipment - power supply blueprints documents - blueprints
electrical parts parts - electrical service equipment equipment - service related company documents documents - company
transmission parts parts - transmission operating manuals documents - operating manuals
collector parts parts - collector service documents documents - service
body parts parts - body advertising documents - advertising
servicing parts parts - servicing trade publications documents - trade publications
trolleybus books documents - books

fleet list British Trolleybus fleet list
links Links to trolleybus collections
send data Submit information about trolleybus artifacts

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